Loose Ends

As the end of the year draws near, I’m attempting to tie up some loose ends, in the way of old projects so close to the finish line I wonder why they’re not done. This does not include the tops sitting in the ‘ready to quilt’ pile, however, as they form a category all their own. The one piece that I was determined to quilt and bind before the holidays is my Temecula Quilt Co. Christmas mystery, which has been quilted but not bound yet, so I’ll save that for another day.

This quilt top is the one that kept me wondering “what on earth brought me to a full stop?” when I discovered it in the stack of works in progress. Sometimes I think the danger lies in tucking these projects into a shoebox or plastic tub while tidying up the sewing room, and then it takes weeks, months, or sometimes decades to discover it again. It’s that old ‘out of sight, out of mind’ problem, right?

So, believe it or not, this little beauty began life as the reject blocks from the quilt I made for the six month long block of the month quilt class that I taught three years ago, to my little quilting group here in Plenty. I set aside about nine or ten blocks that ended up a bit too dark for the other quilt and then used them in a different class for a demo on adding strips and cornerstones to a block to enlarge it. When I came across these blocks a few weeks back, I decided I needed a few more to make it a little larger (the blocks are only 6″ before the strips are added on). After laying them out on the design wall I chose two consistent fabrics to add one more round of strips and cornerstones to unify all the blocks, then I added two borders to finish the quilt top. The amazing thing is, each new addition to this quilt kept improving the look of it and I’m so pleased with how it’s turned out. I think it will be a ‘keeper’ and will be a great sample for teaching others to never give up on those ‘ufo’s’.

Civil War Sampler

This top will now have to wait in the quilting lineup for the new year. It finishes at about 62″ x 62″ and will make a lovely lap quilt on the sofa. Sometimes it the little things that add up to alot and I’m so glad I didn’t give up on this project, and also that I spent the extra effort to miter that final outer border. It just adds a special touch, don’t you think?.

until next time, carol xox

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5 Responses to Loose Ends

  1. Janet Clatney-Bertsch says:

    Hi Carol, your quilt is beautiful. And your finishings were all in your stash? May you and your have a blessed Christmas. I’ll be in touch in the new year.

  2. admin says:

    What a lovely surprise to hear from you, Janet! and thank you for your encouraging comments. Yes, all my finishing fabrics were from the stash cupboard. A little shameful, I know, but I am truly grateful for my abundance, especially now that I’m out in the boonies. Keep in mind though, I’ve been growing that stash for about thirty years now 😮 Wishing you and your loved ones Peace and Love throughout the holiday season. Carol xox

  3. Tammy says:

    Love the border and the sashing is wonderful! How exciting to have another quilt top pieced and ready to go! xoxo

  4. Tammy says:

    It is amazing how that sashing treatment can bring all those blocks together! (Sorry for two separate comments, but I had to come back for a second look!) xoxo

  5. carol says:

    Hi Tammy! Thanks for taking the time for a second look. It is always great to get your positive feedback! This finish was a very pleasant surprise that basically started off with a bunch of reject blocks – go figure!
    love, carol

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