Something Special

I had a very special day last week, when I was asked to present a mini artwalk to the kindergarden through grade four classes at our local school here in town. The Plenty school teaches all grades from K-12 and I have had some classes tour my gallery space over the years but this was a very special occasion. Having the opportunity to share with so many children in one afternoon was amazing!

Time is Non-Linear quilt

A variety of art quilts

It was difficult to choose which pieces to take for display that would have a wide appeal to all age groups, and while I was at liberty to use the entire library space, I needed to keep the groups gathered around me for my presentations. I decided on a variety of quilts and sculptural pieces, and also took along a selection of my sketchbooks in order to explain my creative process to the more advanced older kids. One young girl even asked me to read some of my poetry aloud to the group.

Self Portraits and Sketchbooks

Stitched Poetry and Soft Sculpture

I think the biggest hit, though, was the coral reef that I have been working on over the past six years. The bright colours and wonderful textures created with acrylic yarns were very appealing to the younger set but even the older children appreciated the unusual display.

Coral Reef

Fantasy Coral and Starfish

This exhibit gives me the opportunity to talk about nature and environmental issues, science and math, as well as art and craft. It was a popular display with the kindergarden children and they made me a lovely thank you card featuring some coral-like shapes made from painted cupcake papers.

A giant coral card!

The artwalk took lots of advanced planning, and hauling the display across town certainly made me more aware of my advancing years and lack of big muscles (ha, ha), but it was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon. I truly believe that the children were inspired.

until next time, carol


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3 Responses to Something Special

  1. Tammy says:

    WOW! The coral reef display is amazing! I love it! Awesome job. It is so vibrant, bright and eye-catching… no wonder it appealed to all ages. The thank you card is priceless. What a great opportunity for the kids! xoxo

  2. carol says:

    Thank you for your great comments, Tammy! It was a very rewarding afternoon.

  3. Jennifer Veronelly says:

    Very cool to see that coral again, still looking for a price tag somewhere

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