A Fabulous Weekend!

Now that May has warmed up, it has definitely been full steam ahead in the garden, with vegetable seeds planted in the raised beds, pots started in the greenhouse, new perennials popping out of the soil every day, and multiple visits to the garden centers for supplies and inspiration.

This was a perfect morning for putting some final touches on the large deck planters and I can happily declare that all my ceramic pots and hanging baskets are now complete. I’ve strayed a bit from my typical pink and blue colour scheme, with this year’s displays leaning more on the peachy/salmon and lime green combination. I’m loving it!!! and I can’t wait to see the full blooming results as things fill in and the season progresses.

This weekend was also spent in creative pursuits completely out of the ordinary, as Friday evening and Saturday morning found me in attendance at a wonderful workshop entitled “Towards a Looser Interpretation: Pushing the Boundaries” with Saskatoon artist, Anne McElroy. I had a most enjoyable experience and I’m sure the lessons I learned were far more valuable than just knowing how to put paint to paper. Anne’s kind manner and positive energy seemed to bring out the best in everyone, but I particularly enjoyed the quiet way she encouraged me to look inwards, to be more comfortable and confident in my unique creative nature.

Contour drawing

Blind contour drawing

Abstract Watercolour painting

The pace of the workshop exercises was perfect for me as I tend to enjoy doing multiple tasks quite quickly in order to avoid over-thinking the creative process. This allows me to be more spontaneous in the work and results in many samples I can use as reference material later in the studio.

Loose gestures - watercolour painting in black

Abstract watercolour painting

I thoroughly enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone, as I do not consider myself a painter, but I feel that many of the exercises and the resulting artwork will inspire new work in textiles for me. I’m looking forward to developing these drawings and paintings further to see where they will lead me.

After our wonderful morning of playing with paints and creating art, we had a break for lunch before reconvening at the gallery to attend the public critique and adjudication of the featured art exhibition. Each artist was encouraged to speak about his/her creative process and inspiration behind the work before Anne McElroy gently critiqued the works and then opened the floor for questions from the other artists in attendance. The entire afternoon was one learning opportunity after another! I met some fascinating people and made some new friends – what more could one ask for?!

as always, carol


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2 Responses to A Fabulous Weekend!

  1. Tammy says:

    Your planters look wonderful! I even saw the little birdie peeking out from beside one! Super sweet. My garden is planted but I still have my
    2 big planters to do! Too much soccer, not enough home time! xoxo

  2. carol says:

    Hi Tammy! This is the BEST time of the year, so filled with promise and beauty in the garden. It’s also the busiest time of the year for most of us, so little time at the sewing machine. I hope to have some progress accomplished in the next week or so. xox

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