Day 18/31

My little booth at the fair

This past weekend was the Mini Arts/Crafts Fair at the local church and we managed to attract a few last minute shoppers. There were only a small number of us selling our wares, which made for a lovely intimate gathering perfect for personalized gift shopping. The coffee was on, baked goodies and appetizers were on hand, and punch for those inclined, with many taking the opportunity to relax and catch up with friends before the holidays descend upon us.

Bundles of cotton washcloths

I was glad that I took some display photos before the doors opened as quite a number of items sold out over the course of the afternoon. I tried to present more variety in my goods this year but I would definitely say that the most popular items were my “prairie girl” shawls.

Lakeside Pines

I sold one small quilt to a special friend (unfortunately this is the only photo I could find of it and here it’s just a quilt top), and one of my Holiday Cheer banners to another. It’s always nice to think of people I know enjoying my work after it leaves my hands.

Holiday Cheer Banner

I still have a good selection of baby quilts for sale, as well as some lap quilts and bed  quilts, but most of my table toppers and wall sized pieces are gone now. I guess I have a whole year to create more of those. However, I’m really looking forward to some personal stitching over the holiday season and hope to get some last minute finishing done so that I can label them 2017 😮

until tomorrow, carol



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2 Responses to Day 18/31

  1. Tammy says:

    Your booth looks incredible! You are such a busy little beaver!! I’m glad that your hard work paid off. The Holiday Cheer Banner is sweet! xoxo

  2. carol says:

    Thanks, Tammy! I made two of those Holiday Cheer banners. The one in the photo was ‘traditional’ in Christmas red and the other one was more ‘modern’ in peach houndstooth. I hand sewed little jingle bells to the tips of each flag :o)

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